Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Segmentation Motivation for Rural Tourism Activities

Question: Talk about the Segmentation Motivation for Rural Tourism Activities. Answer: Presentation The exploration paper reflects about different techniques and standards to recognize an occasion of an association, alongside the advancement of that specific occasion all through the objective markets. Investigation of perceiving and promoting an occasion to a people target advertise has been taken as the fundamental topic of this examination paper. Various types of occasion advertising strategies, for example, open mindful by means of reviews, crusades, social destinations, to advance in the objective markets have been comprehensively talked about in the paper. Different examination and examinations have been taken by the analysts to watch the best procedure for this advancement procedure, which have been talked about in this investigation paper. Various reviews assess the way that there are sure things which help in recognizing and promoting of an occasion all through the concerned market zones. The paper gives the student to pick up perceiving or distinguishing various occasions of different organizations, and the advancing procedures in many objective markets (Solomon, 2014). The objective market can be characterized as the market, where an organization wishes to sell its items and administrations, which require focused on clients, to which the showcasing endeavors are to be coordinated. Distinguishing and showcasing a specific occasion for the organization is viewed as one of the most essential procedures to investigate in the objective markets. Getting the occasion effective is the occasion administrators greatest accomplishment. There are six of the significant advances, which can be viewed as generally significant while characterizing a specific objective market. First is the comprehension of the issue, which helps in discovering the ideal issues while doing viable advertising of the chose occasion. At that point next is the building up the ideal view of the clients with respect to the buying of the items or administrations advertised. Coming next is the distinguishing proof of the individual or individual the individuals who will get profited by the offered gave by the firm (Ellul et al., 2015). At that point, there should be compelling deduction on the concerned occasion alongside the determination of the objective market. The inside condition should be checked so as to lessen or evacuate if any issue continues. At last, wheat more can be included towards the determination of the occasion or the ideal objective market should be finished. Perceiving an occasion, which might be a business supper, or public interview, item dispatch parties, customer gratefulness parties, is the preeminent part to advance in different objective markets.There are seven of the pivotal strides in perceiving an effective occasion for the concerned objective market. First is the meeting time of the visitors in that specific occasion of the organization (Ozsoylev, 2014). This implies, on the off chance that the occasions are arranged in a pleasant way, at that point, the visitors are believed to be entered at that occasion at beginning time, rather than getting late. Furthermore, the factor is off, an assessment of the individuals, which implies that, making a neighborly domain inside the occasion network, which will cause the visitors to appreciate blending and feels upbeat. The third purpose of distinguishing an occasion is by seeing visitors praises about that specific occasion, regardless of whether they are getting a charge out of or not. Profiting nourishments, and beverages to the individuals make a very much commended occasion in the objective market (Rid et al., 2014). It is to be prescribed to the occasion organizers, to pick a decent nature of cooking administration, and occasion scene to make it progressively open intrigue. The occasions, which might be a conference, or special gatherings, new item propelling, and so on, are directed by different objective market, for example, classes, overviews, and the online networking. Next, comes the perceiving purpose of occasions, is by a nearness of the collaborators and different workers of the organization (Gallagher, 2014). The occasion organizer should make one individual from that specific association, to connect with every 5 to 6 welcomed customers or visitors. The collusion of the occasion with the companys brand is viewed as a fruitful occasion. This is another perspective on perceiving an extraordinary occasion of an association. At long last, it comes the ho ur of visitors criticism. After finishing of the occasion, when great commendations accomplished by the individuals, it implies, that, the occasion is effective. Catching up with the visitors, welcomed, are to be done through a little study kind. This input picking up study should be possible by means of phone, or in some cases, sending study structures to the visitors present there. The specialists state that, in the event that the review got fruitful, at that point, it tends to be distinguished by the development inputs from the visitors. Thus, these were the seven different ways to distinguish or perceive occasions at different objective markets (Rios et al., 2013). Regardless of whether the occasion is a customer securing or a little mixed drink party, it is helpful to decide, whether the occasion got fruitful or not. Whatever the occasion is, it is the premier significant point to the market that specific occasion in relating objective markets, to make it successful. A different occasion advancing procedures are there, to lead in the indistinguishable objective markets. Right off the bat, the intense portrayal, which implies, is giving the data of that specific occasion in an unmistakable manner, which shows the time, setting, and the people to join in. Also, making the occasion tremendously open mindful, by methods for online networking. The occasion pictures recordings, whenever transferred and shared on the long range interpersonal communication destinations, at that point, the open will get progressively took note. More reactions to surveys, messages, social talks, will be picked up from general society, and subsequently, there will be all the more advertising inside the objective markets. Studies, courses, with occasion banners, pamphlets, declarations whenever sorted out, at that point, the occasions will be heard by the general population (Brogaard et al., 2014). Occasion related recordings, pictures if are shared by methods for different social applications, for example, Skype, Google home bases, LinkedIn, Facebook, and so on, at that point, there will be away from of the occasion. It is the hour of new time, and the world is occupied in social visits and tattles. In this way, the web and web based life have been viewed as the most ideal method of advancing an occasion all through the objective commercial center. Giving an enrolled procedure by methods for internet based life goes about as an incredible activity of occasion advertising. For instance, a conspicuous catch, marked as Register Here, in the occasion site, will draw in open more to take an interest. Different International showcasing specialists have dissected that, E-mail showcasing is truly outstanding and regular procedures of occasion publicizing, and advancing in the objective markets (Gruber et al., 2013). The occasion producer or organizer, are prescribed to gather a rundown of applicable people groups email id to introduce a greeting by means of mail. This procedure should likewise be possible by means of instant messages to the reviewed people groups. Appealing ads give the occasion arranging a decent reflection to the watchers. Refreshing occasion news to the individuals by means of messages, and messages will produce progressively open reactions. Positive criticisms and audits from the open will draw in different newcomers to join the occasion. Universal advertising reviews uncover the there exists essential prerequisite to perceive and showcase a fruitful occasion all through the concerned objective market (Getz and Page, 2016). Studies have been directed by well famous IT Company of Australia that recognizing the ideal needs of the client are vital for showcasing the specific occasion. So as to execute viable promoting for any occasion such s meeting, gathering, birthday festivity or gathering party it turns out to be essential to produce techniques according to the requirements of the clients just according to the need of the focused on crowd (Curme et al., 2014). A few showcasing overviews are to be sorted out by the occasion producer, where, the assessors will communicate with open, vis-à-vis, and gather sentiment criticisms from them. Reminding the reviewed individuals by calls, instant messages, messages, and so forth, will cause general society to stay in contact with the organization. Constructive outcomes can be created, implies, individuals can take an interest in that specific occasion, and henceforth, the companys occasion gets embraced to the separate objective markets. End The examination paper basically assesses that there are sure significant things steps which should be thought of while perceiving and showcasing for an occasion all through the concerned objective market. There are seven of the critical strides in perceiving a fruitful occasion for the concerned objective market and this is being reflected all through the paper. The diverse assessment of individuals or the focused on crowd with respect to the plan of a specific occasion helps in creating systems for the accomplishment of the concerned occasion. So as to perceive the specific occasion, building up the ideal impression of the clients with respect to the buying of the items or administrations offered is significant. There should be powerful intuition on the concerned occasion alongside the determination of the objective market. References Brogaard, J., Hendershott, T., and Riordan, R., 2014. High-recurrence exchanging and value discovery.Review of Financial Studies,27(8), pp.2267-2306. Come, C., Preis, T., Stanley, H.E. also, Moat, H.S., 2014. Evaluating the semantics of search conduct before financial exchange moves.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,111(32), pp.11600-11605. Ellul, A., Jotikasthira, C., Lundblad, C.T. also, Wang, Y., 2015. Is authentic cost bookkeeping a panacea? Market pressure, motivating force twists, and gains trading.The Journal of Finance,70(6), pp.2489-2538. Gallagher, J., 2014. Finding out about a rare occasion: proof from flood protection take-up in the United States.American Economic Journal: Applied Economics,6(3), pp.206-233. Getz, D. what's more, Page, S.J., 2016.Event examinations: Theory, exploration, and strategy for arranged occasions. Routledge. Gruber, M., MacMillan, I.C., and Thompson, J.D., 2013. Getting away from the earlier information hall: What shapes the n

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Forrest Gump Chapter Twenty-One Free Essays

string(138) the majority of an hour to git mysef in an even position, a the ole man be kinda gruntin a shakin his head evertime I improve my situation. Section Twenty-One Indeed, after that I was one sorry bastid. Dan a me remained at the loft that nite, yet the nex mornin began packin up our poop an all, cause there wadn’t no motivation to be in Indianapolis no more. Dan, he come to me a state, â€Å"Here, Forrest, take this money,† a helt out the 2,000 dollars Mike had give us for rasslin The Professor. We will compose a custom exposition test on Forrest Gump Chapter Twenty-One or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now â€Å"I don’t need it,† I says. â€Å"Well you better take it,† says Dan, â€Å"cause it’s all we got.† â€Å"You keep it,† I says. â€Å"At least take haf of it,† he state. â€Å"Look, you gotta have some travelin cash. Get you to any place your goin.† â€Å"Ain’t you goin with me?† I cut out. â€Å"I’m apprehensive not, Forrest,† he says. â€Å"I figure I done what's needed harm as of now. I didn’t rest none the previous evening. I’m thinkin about how I got you to consent to wager all our cash, a how I got you to keep on rasslin when it oughta have been clear Jenny was going to go ballistic on us. An it wadn’t your issue you got whupped by The Professor. You did what you could. I am the one to fault. I jus ain’t no good.† â€Å"Awe, Dan, it wadn’t your shortcoming neither,† I says. â€Å"If I hadn’t of got the large head session bein The Dunce, a started to accept all that poop they was sayin session me, I wouldn’t of got in this fix in the first place.† â€Å"Whatever it is,† Dan state, â€Å"I jus don’t feel right taggin along any longer. You got other things to attend to now. Go a fry em. Disregard me. I ain’t no good.† All things considered, me a Dan talked for quite a while, yet there wadn’t no convincin him, an after a wile, he got his crap an I hepped him down the means, a the last I seen of him, he was pushin hissef down the road on his little truck, with all his garments a poop heaped in his lap. I went down to the bus stop a purchased a pass to Mobile. It was sposed to be a multi day a two nite trip, down through Louisville, to Nashville, to Birmingham a then Mobile, an I was one hopeless blockhead, settin there wile the transport moved along. We passed through Louisville durin the nite, a the nex day we halted in Nashville a needed to change transports. It was around a three hour pause, so I chose to walk aroun town for a wile. I got me a sambwich at a lunch counter an a glass of frosted tea a was walkin down the road when I seen a major sign before a lodging state, â€Å"Welcome Grandmaster’s Invitational Chess Tournament.† It kind of got my interest up, because of I had played all that chess back in the wilderness with Big Sam, a so I went on into the lodging. They was playin the chess game in the assembly hall a had a major horde of individuals watchin, yet a sign say, â€Å"Five dollars admission,† and I didn’t need to go through none of my cash, however I glanced in through the entryway for a wile, a then jus went a set down in the campaign by mysef. They was a seat opposite me with a little ole man settin in it. He was totally withered a testy lookin a had on a dark suit with spats an a necktie a he had a chessboard set out on a table before him. As I set there, ever once in a wile he would move one of the chessmen, an it started to occur to on me that he was playin by hissef. I figgered I had session one more hour or so fore the transport lef, so I hacked out him on the off chance that he needed someone to play with. He jus took a gander at me an at that point thought down at his chessboard a didn’t state nothin. Somewhat later, the ole feller’d been studyin the chessboard for a large portion of a half hour a then he moved his white religious administrator over to dark square seven a was jus session to take his han off it when I says, † ‘scuse me.† The feller hopped like he’d set on a tack, a be glarin over the table at me. â€Å"You make that move,† I says, â€Å"an you be leavin yoursef all the way open to lose your knight a then your sovereign a put your butt in a fix.† He look down at his chessboard, never takin his han off the religious administrator, a then he move it back a state to me, â€Å"Possibly you are right.† All things considered, he go on back to studyin the chessboard an I figger it’s time to return to the bus stop, however jus as I begin to leave, the ole man say, â€Å"Pardon me, yet that was a clever perception you made.† I gesture my head, a then he state, â€Å"Look, you’ve clearly played the game, why don’t you plunk down a completion this one with me? Simply assume control over the white in their positions now.† â€Å"I cain’t,† I says, cause I got the opportunity to get the transport an all. So he jus gestures a gives me a little salute with his han an I went on back to the bus stop. Time I arrive, the damn transport done lef in any case, a here I am an ain’t no different transport till tomorrow. I jus cain’t do nothin right. All things considered, I got a day to kill, so I strolled on back to the lodging a there is the little ole man still playin against hissef, a he is by all accounts winnin. I went on up to him a he look into a movement for me to set down. The circumstance I have come into is entirely hopeless †haf my pawns gone an I ain’t got yet one minister a no rooks a my sovereign is going to be caught nex. It took me the majority of an hour to git mysef in an even position, a the ole man be kinda gruntin a shakin his head evertime I improve my circumstance. You read Forrest Gump Chapter Twenty-One in class Article models Finally, I dangle a ruse before him. He took it, a three moves later I got him within proper limits. â€Å"I will be damned,† he state. â€Å"Just who are you, anyway?† I tole him my name, a he state, â€Å"No, I mean, where have you played? I don’t even perceive you.† At the point when I tole him I figured out how to play in New Guinea, a he state, â€Å"Good sky! A you intend to state you haven’t even been in local competition?† I shook my head a he says, â€Å"Well whether you know it or not, I am a previous universal amazing expert, and you have quite recently ventured into a game you couldn’t possibily have won, and completely destroyed me!† I chopped out why he wadn’t playin in the live with the others, a he says, â€Å"Oh, I played prior. I’m about eighty years of age now, a there is a kind of senior competition. The genuine brilliance is to the more youthful colleagues now †their psyches are jus sharper.† I gestured my head an expressed gratitude toward him for the game a got up to go, yet he says, â€Å"Listen, have you had your dinner yet?† I tole him I had a sambwich a couple of hours prior, a he state, â€Å"Well what about letting me get you supper? All things considered, you gave me a great game.† I said that woud be alright, a we went into the lodging dinin room. He was a pleasant man. Mr Tribble was his name. â€Å"Look,† Mister Tribble state wile we is havin supper, â€Å"I’d need to play you a couple of more games certainly, yet except if your playing tonight was an all out accident, you are maybe one of the most brilliant unrecognized gifts in the game. I might want to support you in a competition or two, and see what happens.† I tole him about headin home a wantin to get into the srimp bidness and all, yet he state, â€Å"Well, this could be a mind-blowing chance for you, Forrest. You could rake in boatloads of cash in this game, you know.† He said for me to thoroughly consider it today around evening time, a let him know somethin in the mornin. So me a Mister Tribble shook hans, an I went on out in the road. I done meandered aroun for a wile, however they ain’t a great deal to find in Nashville, an at long last I twisted up settin on a seat in a recreation center. I was tryin to think, which don’t precisely come simple to me, a figger out what to do now. My psyche was for the most part on Jenny a where she is. She state not to attempt to discover her or nothin, yet they is a feelin down somewhere down in me somewhere that she ain’t overlooked me. I done made a bonehead of mysef in Indianapolis, an I know it. I think it was that I wadn’t tryin to make the best decision. A now, I ain’t sure what the best thing is. That is to say, here I am, ain’t got no cash to talk about, an I got the chance to have some to fire up the srimp bidness, a Mister Tribble state I can win a decent piece on the chess circuit. Be that as it may, it appear ever time I do somethin other than tryin to return home a kick the srimp bidness off, I get my huge ass in high temp w ater †so here I am again, wonderin what to do. I ain’t been wonderin long when up come a police officer a hatchet me what I’m doin. I says I’m jus settin here thinkin, a he state ain’t no one permitted to set a think in the recreation center around evening time a for me to move along. I go on down the road, a the cop be followin me. I didn’t realize where to go, so after a wile I saw a rear entryway a strolled on back in it a foun a spot to set down a rest my feet. I ain’t been settin there more’n brief when the equivalent ole police officer stop by a see me there. â€Å"All right,† he state, â€Å"come on outta there.† When I get out to the road, he state, â€Å"What you doin in there?† I says, â€Å"Nothin,† a he state, â€Å"That’s precisely what I thought †you will be locked up for loiterin.† All things considered, he take me to the prison a lock me up a then in the mornin they state I can make one call in the event that I need. Course I didn’t realize no one to telephone however Mister Tribble, so that’s what I did. Session haf an hour later, he appears at the police headquarters a springs me out of prison. At that point he gets me a major ole breakfast at the lodging a says, â€Å"Listen, why

Friday, August 21, 2020

Belgium Overview and Geography

Belgium Overview and Geography Populace: 10.5 million (July 2009 estimate)Capital: BrusselsArea: Approximately 11,780 square miles (30,528 sq km)Borders: France, Luxembourg, Germany and the NetherlandsCoastline: About 40 miles (60 km) on the North Sea Belgium is a significant nation to both Europe and the remainder of the world as its capital, Brussels, is the central command the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and of the European Commission and the Council of the European Union. Likewise, that city is the home of numerous overall banking and protection firms, driving some to consider Brussels the informal capital of Europe. History of Belgium In the same way as other of the universes nations, Belgium has a long history. Its name is gotten from the Belgae, a Celtic clan that lived in the region in the main century B.C.E. Likewise, during the principal century, the Romans attacked the territory and Belgium was controlled as a Roman region for about 300 years. Around 300 C.E., Romes power started to reduce when Germanic clans were driven into the territory and in the long run the Franks, a German gathering, assumed responsibility for the nation. After the appearance of the Germans, the northern piece of Belgium turned into a German-talking territory, while the individuals in the south stayed Roman and spoke Latin. Before long, Belgium got constrained by the Dukes of Burgundy and was in the long run taken over by the Hapsburgs. Belgium was afterwards involved by Spain from 1519 to 1713 and Austria from 1713 to 1794. In 1795, be that as it may, Belgium was added by Napoleonic France after the French Revolution. Presently, Napoleons armed force was beaten during the Battle of Waterloo close to Brussels and Belgium turned into a piece of the Netherlands in 1815. It was then not until 1830 that Belgium won its freedom from the Dutch. In that year, there was an uprising by the Belgian individuals and in 1831, a protected government was set up and a ruler from the House of Saxe-Coburg Gotha in Germany was welcome to run the nation. During the time following its freedom, Belgium was attacked a few times by Germany. In 1944 however, British, Canadian and America armed forces officially freed Belgium. Dialects of Belgium Since Belgium was constrained by various outside forces for quite a long time, the nation is exceptionally assorted semantically. Its official dialects are French, Dutch and German however its populace is partitioned into two particular gatherings. The Flemings, the bigger of the two, live in the north and communicate in Flemish-a language firmly identified with Dutch. The subsequent gathering lives in the south and comprises of the Walloons who communicate in French. Moreover, there is a German people group close to the city of Liã ¨ge and Brussels is formally bilingual. These various dialects are critical to Belgium since worries over losing etymological force has made the administration isolate the nation into various areas, every one of which has power over its social, phonetic and instructive issues. Belgiums Government Today, Belgiums government is run as a parliamentary majority rules system with an established ruler. It has two parts of government. The main is the official branch which comprises of the King, who fills in as the head of express; the Prime Minister, who is the head of government; and the Council of Ministers which speaks to the dynamic bureau. The subsequent branch is the administrative branch which is a bicameral parliament comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The major ideological groups in Belgium are the Christian Democratic, the Liberal Party, the Socialist Party, the Green Party and Vlaams Belang. Casting a ballot age in the nation is 18. On account of its emphasis on areas and nearby networks, Belgium has a few political regions, every one of which have a changed measure of political force. These incorporate ten distinct territories, three areas, three networks and 589 regions. Industry and Land Use of Belgium In the same way as other European nations, Belgiums economy comprises for the most part of the administration area yet industry and farming are additionally noteworthy. The northern region is viewed as the most ripe and a great part of the land there is utilized for animals, albeit a portion of the land is utilized for horticulture. The primary harvests in Belgium are sugar beets, potatoes, wheat and grain. What's more, Belgium is an intensely industrialized nation and coal mining was once significant in southern regions. Today, however, practically the entirety of the modern places are in the north. Antwerp, perhaps the biggest city in the nation, is the focal point of oil refining, plastics, petrochemicals and the assembling of substantial apparatus. It is additionally popular for being one of the universes biggest precious stone exchanging focuses. Geology and Climate of Belgium The absolute bottom in Belgium is ocean level at the North Sea and its most elevated point is Signal de Botrange at 2,277 feet (694 m). The remainder of the nation includes a moderately level geography comprising of beach front fields in the northwest and tenderly moving slopes all through the countrys focal bit. The southeast, be that as it may, has an uneven locale in its Ardennes Forest territory. The atmosphere of Belgium is viewed as oceanic calm with mellow winters and cool summers. The normal summer temperature is 77ËšF (25ËšC) while winters normal around 45ËšF (7ËšC). Belgium can likewise be blustery, shady and damp. A Few More Facts About Belgium Belgium has a proficiency pace of 99%The future is 78.685% of Belgians live in towns and citiesNearly 80% of the number of inhabitants in Belgium is Roman Catholic yet there are a few different religions in the nation, all of which get government appropriations. To peruse increasingly about Belgium visit The US Department of State profile and the EUs profile of the nation. References Focal Intelligence Agency. (2010, April 21). CIA - The World Factbook Belgium. Recovered from: (n.d.) Belgium: History, Geography, Government, and Culture. Recovered from: US Department of State. (2009, October). Belgium (10/09). Recovered from:

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Compare and Contrast Essay Samples For College Students

Compare and Contrast Essay Samples For College StudentsCollege admissions officers know how important it is to get an honest answer from a student when it comes to essays. Fortunately, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on essays if you're a budget-conscious student.Writing samples can give your application the edge. If you're not getting an answer from your teachers or guidance counselors, don't sweat it. The purpose of writing samples is to give you a chance to brush up on your writing, make sure you're using the proper grammar and punctuation and compare the style of your own essays with samples from other students who took the same essay.In order to compare and contrast essay samples for college students, you first need to have an idea of what types of examples are available. There are many different publications that have sample essays to choose from. Unfortunately, they can cost a lot of money. They're simply not affordable for most applicants, especially those in the lower-middle income bracket.The Internet is a good source for finding sample essays. They're not as expensive as others and are more readily available to all students who want them. The best of the best can be found by simply visiting some of the sites that post essays. These essays are free for anyone to access and review.In today's world, it is not difficult to find a myriad of options. Many sites also provide free downloadable assignments for you to use as a template. These essays are usually more thorough than the ones found at traditional publishers.Compare and contrast essay samples for college students will be used for college entrance exams. However, many high school students now take this opportunity to let their friends and family know that they're considering attending a different school. These types of essays can become very long and provide numerous examples for comparison. They can be quite long.By reviewing your writing samples, you will be able to decide which is be st for you. Most of the time, if you have to pay for them, it is going to be for more than one essay. At least you will have one to review, so you'll have a little extra time to put towards your essay.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Accounting Financial Analysis of Ebay - 3924 Words

National economics university Business school | | | | |Group assignment | |EBAY MEDIA ( EBAY INC) | |[pic] | |Financial analysis statement†¦show more content†¦eBay notifies the buyer and seller via e-mail at the end of the auction if a bid exceeds the sellers minimum price, and the seller and buyer finish the transaction independently of eBay. The binding contract of the auction is between the winning bidder and the seller only. c, Economics As eBay is a huge, publicly visible market, it has created a great deal of interest from economists, who have used it to analyze many aspects of buying and selling behavior, auction formats, etc., and compare these with previous theoretical and empirical findings. Financial Analysis Financial Statements for ebay inc (EBAY) Year over year, eBay Inc. has been able to grow revenues from $9.2B to $11.7B. Most impressively, the company has been able to reduce the percentage of sales devoted to selling, general and administrative costs from 33.05% to 32.61%. This was a driver that led to a bottom line growth from $1.8B to $3.2B. Income Statement |Currency in |As of: |Dec 31 |Dec 31 |Dec 31 |Dec 31 |4 Year | |Millions of US Dollars | |2008 |2009 |2010 |2011 |Trend | |Show MoreRelatedEvaluating Ebays Suitability For Investment Of $ 25 Million Dollars1609 Words   |  7 PagesThe purpose of this financial analysis is to evaluate eBay to determine its suitability for investment of $25 million dollars. I will examine whether or not the company is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable enough to be invested in. It will examine the business, accounting and financial positioning of the company. Following eBay s industry examination, a recommendation on eBay s stock will be provided along with a decision. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen - 1463 Words

Feminism can be defined by three major components: social, political and economic equality of the sexes. Throughout history, women have battled to gain equality with men. Elizabeth Bennet and other women have been suppressed from opportunities merely because of their gender and have fought to be considered as equals to men. Women are far more than someone’s wife or daughter, they are more than just their counterparts, they are human beings. From a morality standpoint, Elizabeth or other women should not be married off based on the need of survival but for the need of wanting to be married for true love. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, displays feminism through the aspects of women’s dependence on men, class snobbery, and alienation. In the 1800s, women s sole purpose in life was to find a suitable husband, women had no other choice but to depend on a man for certain needs and wants. The protagonist in the novel, Elizabeth Bennet defies the social norms of the 1800s by not wanting to marry solely for economic gain. For example, Elizabeth is impoverished and needs to marry a man with good wealth but she realises that with loveless marriages comes with unhappiness. The daughters of the Bennet family had little to no independence that modern women would enjoy. They always have to make themselves presentable by dressing their best for social outings. The Bennet girls have to marry for social, economic and political gain or even to just survive. Mr. Bingley arrives in townShow MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesThe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1467 Words   |  6 Pages Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has remained relevant even years after its release. Its themes and symbols are understandable to even the most modern of reader. One of the many themes is sisterhood, something that is focused on constantly throughout the novel. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the novel, finds many of her decisions to be based upon the actions of her sisters. Making sisterhood a main driving force. Whether they are confiding in each other for marriageRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen872 Words   |  4 PagesI n my personal cherished novel, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, the worlds of two immensely divergent people display the marxist idea of the importance of social status and its affect on the people. The two main characters seem to be on opposite ends of the earth in terms of an affluent Mr. Darcy being so privileged while on the contrary, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is of a lower class. Throughout the novel, there is a fine distinction between their clashing opinions and actions that are highly influencedRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1285 Words   |  6 PagesPride and Prejudice Analysis I.Introduction Jane Austen wrote her novels during the time period known as the Regency. The Enlightenment and the Age of Reason, a time where ideas like democracy, secularism, and the rise of developing sciences were making their way across Europe had come to an end.It was replaced with the wave of horror that was the French Revolution, a once minor revolt that escalated into a violent war, concluding with the rise of Napoleon, which whom England fought against the majorityRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1384 Words   |  6 PagesNicole Voyatzis Professor W. Acres HISTORY 1401E May 26, 2015 Discussion Paper - Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice written in 1813 by Jane Austen tells the story of The Bennet’s and their five unmarried daughters. The family live as part of the lower gentry in early 19th century England. With that being said, Mrs. Bennet’s primary focus in life is to ensure that all her daughters are married, preferably to wealthy men. The book begins with Mrs. Bennet seeing an opportunity for her daughtersRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen1570 Words   |  7 PagesThe comical novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen depicts the love life of women in the early 1800’s. Austen shows the hardships young women in that time period had to go threw to find their place in this world. Women were thought of as objects to the men, they were supposed to be stay at home mothers, or simple just a accessory to their partner. Women were the subordinates in life, as they still are today. Austen tells the story of how Mrs. Bennet (a mother of 5) works tirelessly to get her daughte rsRead MoreJane Austen: Pride and Prejudice 1086 Words   |  5 PagesJane Austen, born December 16, 1775, was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read authors in English literature. Austen’s novels critique the life of the second half of the eighteenth century and are part of the transition to nineteenth-century realism. Though her novels were by no means autobiographical, her fictional characters do shed light on the facts of her life and but more importantly, they offered aspiring writers a model of howRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen914 Words   |  4 Pages Bell 1 Natalie Bell Pedersen English 4 honors 29 February 2016 Pride and Prejudice Essay Jane Austen s novel, Pride and Prejudice, focuses on the social conflicts of England during the 1800s. Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy fall in love, and face social criticism. Mr. Darcy struggles with the ideology of societal expectations while falling in love with Elizabeth Bennet. After persistent self-reflection, Mr. Darcy overcomes the stereotype of whom he should marry, and marries ElizabethRead More Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 1104 Words   |  5 Pagesrate of over 50% from 1970-2010. However, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, marriage was often one of the few choices for a woman’s occupation. Reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen from the twenty-first century perspective might make some matters that are stressed in the book seem dated or trivial. As Pride and Prejudice was set sometime during the Napoleonic Wars, it is only fitting that finding a proper marriage is on the minds of many of the women in the book. Marriage and marrying

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Report On Organizational Behaviour Organizational Risk Management

Question: Prepairfocuses on one of the important Construction Companies of Australia, Mac Construction, and ascertains the risk factors related to the firm and its operational activities. The report should gives a plan for ensuring that the identified risks of the organization are analyzed and counteracted with effectiveness so as to enable the business to deal with the risks efficiently? Answer: Introduction: The report aims at selecting an Australian company or an organization to develop a risk management report on it. It provides a deep insight into various aspects of the organization like internal or external context involving all key stakeholders, different risk categories to identify various risks, and develop a risk matrix which would be used by the organization to analyze the risks. This report gives a plan for ensuring that all the risks identified within the organization are analyzed as well as counteracted by the higher authority. This would allow the business to avoid prevailing risks efficiently. The organization that has been chosen to develop the risk assessment report is an Australian construction company named Mac Constructions. It is an Australian construction company involved in construction business. This involves all those work related to construction, alteration, repairing, conversion, commissioning, renovation, fitting-out, demolition, maintenance, dismantling or refurbishment of structures. Identification Analysis of Risks at Mac Construction: The firm is said to be quite efficient in identifying related organizational risks that impact upon the business outcomes. Also, it puts efforts to manage the risks by a planned manner. The organization believes that assessment of risk needs to be initiated from top down manner and communicated to every individual. The higher authority possesses increased responsibilities in reflecting commitment to the various stages of risk management. Some of the steps that are to be followed in risk management are creating suitable contexts, risk identification, analysis and evaluation of risks, and treatment of risk issues as required (Abraham, Chipman and Vijayan, 1999). Identification of risk occurs at the very initial stage to assess the key source and types. This step identifies risk conditions at the various projects and also clarifying the related risk responsibilities. As referred to the current scenario of post-crisis economy, risk management approaches form an integral element of effective strategy. This construction company Mac is said to be heterogeneous with much complexity. The business conducts include certain key construction divisions that vary greatly (Wang et al., 2009). These include residential, non-residential building, heavy industrial, highway, etc. Various construction projects of Mac Construction in Australia involves conversion, construction, alteration, repairing, commissioning, renovation, fitting-out, demolition, maintenance, dismantling or refurbishment of structures. Its work include all kinds of tests or installation that are usually conducted within construction work, eliminating waste products from workplace areas due to demolition, assembling of elements, prefabrication of elements for building structures or installation, monitoring or maintaining all services of the company. Current risk management policies, procedures and processes of Mac The current risk management polices of Mac Construction are: One of the major purposes of the policy is to eliminate the risk completely from the company. Communicating and confirming the company commitment to risk management in order to assist in achieving the strategic and operational goals (Adams, 2006). Apart from that, in order to manage the operational risk company has been suing TQM within the supply chain in order to monitor and maintain consistency within the organizations. Apart from that, the construction company uses various tools to manage the risk within the organizations which has been very helpful lately. Risk Management Process: Associated Risks: All available risks within the construction company are grouped into categories like external, internal, organizational, environmental, or construction work management. As per vast research study it has been identified that some risks affect Mac group which are resembled in projects like governmental bonds or common stocks or others. The process of identifying risk is iterative in nature as new risks become an integral part with project progression across the life cycle. At organizations like Mac Construction, it involves risks for every stakeholder like contractors, owners, suppliers and consultants (Adams, 2008). The risks may enhance with activities occurring near congested areas. This involves geological situations, construction mishaps, interference within construction activities, designing faults that adversely impact all activities of the organization and its projects. All possible risks that have been identified at Mac Construction are listed below: Risk of completion This type of risk was faced by the organization when it could not complete any of its projects due to several reasons like cost overrun, technological failure or force majeure. Risk of price Risk of price has been faced by Mac Construction organization when the output price became volatile on account of supply-demand issues. This risk became high when output demand failed (El-Adaway and Kandil, 2010). Risk of technology When technological advancements lacked or it did not updated properly, the organization faced this risk. Risk of operation The organization had faced the risk while the operating and also maintaining cost increased at quite higher rate. Risk of environment This risk factor enhanced the overall cost of projects to comply with the new raised standards within the environmental factors. The organization had even faced many protests from local population. Casualty Risk This risk refers to the fact that products and equipment would get damaged over time with increased use (Fortunato et al., 2012). Risk of Construction This risk had been faced by the organization when it involved safety aspects at the construction sites. Risks may be generated through faulty equipment as well as unprotected electrical wiring. Organizational Risk Mac Construction organization had faced this type of risk when different operations as well as processes in production of output were not usually carried out in a sequential manner. The business activities lacked systematic process of converting raw materials into finished goods. Sources: (Hsu and Jiang, 2009) Those who perceive risk management are considered to be participants, and contractors are entities who potentially impact all decision-making within projects. Based on individual experience, around 10% respondents acquired experience for possessing experience at managing risks. Project managers possessed experiences, and around 35% possessed no experience at all in managing risks. Within the organization, almost 55% did not have enough experience to manage risks. Majority of organizational members said that risks need to be controlled and managed at the early stages of project course (Jha and Devaya, 2008). With reference to the risks associated with the construction firm, technological changes and cost overrun were considered to be the most significant risk factors that are specified to contractors. It was assessed from the respondents at various organizational levels that all associated risks were due to poor work quality and delivery, faulty planning and implementation processes a nd also work delays. Risk Matrix: The following diagram reflects the risk matrix of a construction organization like that of Mac Construction Company. Source: (Wang et al., 2009) Management of Risk at Mac: Risk management concept occupies the most significant place within effectiveness of managerial practices. A relationship exists amidst risk and opportunity in every business operation of Mac Construction Company. Hence, it becomes increasingly important for organizations to identify, ascertain and also control risk issues for capitalizing upon available opportunities for achieving key goals. Any risk may be internal or external that may impact upon business conducts, and may prevent from delivering effective services, conducting projects, or capitalizing upon opportunities (Styhre, 2008). Treating top 3 risks Avoiding the risk Not taking any form of activity that will be creating risk. So, planning and best alternative need to be chosen. Reducing the risk Controlling the likelihood of risk occurring and consequences. Transferring the risk The risk of implementing technology must be shared with IT company and the insurance must be made (Barnes, n.d.) Retaining risk Supportive manpower and change management required Develop an action plan Action plan Analysis Risk items Risk in manual CRM and problem in logistics and procurements Response Strong feedback from the employees and the customers regarding the issues Proposed actions Implementation of E-CRM and E-logistic and E-procurement Resources requirements Manpower, funds and technology (Fortunato et al., 2012) Responsibilities Project manager and team leader for the implementations Time frame monitoring 10-12 months , 2015 Communicate the action plan Risk management communications Source: (Jha and Devaya, 2008) Two way communications process would help to gain risk management communications. Reporting of the risk management to the employees and other stakeholder via tow way communication would enhance the risk management process. Documentation needed Document is one of the essential part to demonstrate the process has been systematic and the method and scope are must be indentified in order to assess the risk and consequences. The documents like ongoing change in CRM management. The documentation requires fully audited and dully attested by the risk managers (Hsu and Jiang, 2009). Steps to risk management action plan Action plan Analysis Risk identifications Risk within the poor handling of customer response and the supplier along with logistics Who can be harm The harm will be done to the customers, company, employees and other stakeholders. Risk evaluations The collected data which are being collated from the feedback of customer and supplier must be evaluated and develop solutions Record the findings After consulting the employees and explored the areas and taken the initial steps. Set goals and priorities the works (Monico et al., 2011). Monitor the action plan Monitoring the implementation of new technology via dummy testing and by 360 degree appraisal system. Apart from that, Mac Construction uses balance score card and benchmarking system to analyze the implementation of technology is giving enough benefit or not. Evaluate the process The process of action must be evaluated by dummy testing and giving the proper training of the employees for the future benefit of the company (Styhre, 2008). After implementation, evaluating the process that is to analyses the shortest path method and longest path method via using PERT and CPM in order to fulfil the mended of the demand of the company. An efficient risk management process promotes Mac Construction Company to identify risks as well as considering reduction policies of all associated risks. Management of risks at construction firms incorporates a comprehensive and that of systematic way of identification, analysis, and response towards risks for obtaining key project aims. The risk assessment study shows Mac Construction Company had suffered risks like price risk, completion risk, technology risk, operational risk, construction risk, environmental risk, casualty risk, and operating risk. For effective management of all sorts of risk, every stakeholder associated with the company needs to understand individual risk responsibilities, risk preference, risk conditions, and management capabilities. Lack in terms of proper experience cause the organization much difficulties to change the attitudes of the contractors of Mac Construction in areas of risk management. Conclusion: From the above study, it has been found that, Total quality management is one of the major methods to manage the risk within the supply chain of the Mac Construction. Total quality management is helpful in monitoring the risk management within its supply chain that helps the company to maintain its consistency within its production of the products. Balance scorecard is one of the most useful techniques used by the organization every year in order to assess the risk and identify the causes behind the failure of any system or the departments. References Abraham, B., Chipman, H. and Vijayan, K. (1999). Some Risks in the Construction and Analysis of Supersaturated Designs.Technometrics, 41(2), pp.135-141. Adams, F. (2008). Risk perception and Bayesian analysis of international construction contract risks: The case of payment delays in a developing economy.International Journal of Project Management, 26(2), pp.138-148. Barnes, R. (n.d.). Accounting for Derivatives and Corporate Risk Management Policies.SSRN Journal. El-Adaway, I. and Kandil, A. (2010). Construction Risks: Single versus Portfolio Insurance.J. Manage. Eng., 26(1), pp.2-8. 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